My biggest fear

Andrei Aitculesei
3 min readNov 21, 2020

“The trouble is, you think you have time.” — Buddha

Time… such a precious resource! From the beginning of our life, we get this resource for free and we can do anything we want with it. But there is an important aspect… we don’t know how much of it we have and if we are not careful we are losing it slowly but surely.

As you probably guessed, what frightens me the most is the TIME.

When I was a little boy, I wondered what really means this “time” and why everybody seems like they never have enough of it. Why it can not be seen or touched? I wondered, but there was no answer...

Time passed by and the first time when I realised how dangerous the time can be, was in the moment when I lost my grandpa and soon after my grandma. They were like my parents, I lived with them in the same place from my beginnings and I grew up with them. They were my protectors whenever I made my parents angry or I was afraid of the lightnings. They have a special place in my heart and I’ll never forget them!

Time represents an endless flow that got from us a label and can not be stopped, paused or reversed. Time gives you everything when you the least expect and makes you happy, but takes it back in the same manner. When there comes a moment when the time takes back something from you, you wish you could reverse it to get a little bit more of it, but this is impossible.

Today I lost my uncle and he was only 53... I wish I could reverse the time for only 24 hours, nothing more and listen to another one of his stories from his adventures. But the endless flow of the time is going only forward, in such a quiet manner that you don’t even realise that is passing by in every moment of your life.

As William Carlos Williams said… “Time is a storm in which we are all lost.”

Use wisely your time, because even if it seems endless it has the power of taking away something or someone special in the most unexpected moments. But it’s always leaving you a special gift that is known as MEMORIES.

So don’t forget that this endless flow is going only forward and you only got a tiny, tiny piece of it. You never know how much of it, but make sure you do what you love, you live your life with passion and your loved ones are getting your full attention. The perfect time to act is NOW!

Now take a pen, a paper and answer to the following questions:

What is “time” for you?

How are you going to use it in the future? Are you going to invest it in your passions in order to achieve your goals and in your loved ones?



Andrei Aitculesei

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." - Lao Tzu